Hi folks, this is a “practice box” for pong. The green button will “Start-Stop” the model and will also link the mouse to the bat (racket) for game control .
The bat control is very smooth and quick and no mouse clicking is necessary. The red “Serve” button will shoot a new ball when you loose the old one (you don’t need to stop the model while re-serving). You can adjust the “bat size”, “stroke” and the “serve speed” (again you can do this while the model is running).
You can also impart an Y speed component to the ball by moving the bat at the moment of impact. It has 3 different sound effects, which you could turned off if you choose so. Since it has “sounds”, you must download and save the ZIP folder (containing one .xls and three .wav sound files) and extract it (de-archive) on your computer before playing, otherwise the sounds effects will not work properly.
While playing you should, at times, hear three different sound effects otherwise you saved it wrong. I will update the model by adding a virtual opponent and a score board.
Excel 2007 will be about 3 times slower then the earlier versions on this model. You can of course increase the serve speed, to compensate for the drop in modeling speed, but this will result in a less cursive, somehow broken ball movement.
There is a minimum of VBA involved and all the formulas used are in front of your eyes. Please let me know if you have problems running the model!