A video demonstration of the virtual harmonograph running through a series of sixteen preset patterns. [sociallocker][/sociallocker] Read More... "Harmonograph Video Demo"
A 3-pendulum Animated Harmonograph Model – video preview
A video review of the 3-pendulum animated harmonograph model together with the tutorials (part #1, part #2). [sociallocker][/sociallocker] Read More... "A 3-pendulum Animated Harmonograph Model – video preview"
Casual Introduction to Numerical Methods – spring-mass-damper system model – part#5
In this tutorial, most of the calculations for the numerical simulation a SMD (spring-mas-damper) system will be consolidated into a single formula, the coordinate formula. In this case, in order to calculate the coordinate at the end of a any time step, we will need just the coordinates from the previous two time steps and of course the input parameters (constants). These… Read More... "Casual Introduction to Numerical Methods – spring-mass-damper system model – part#5"
Casual Introduction to Numerical Methods – spring-mass-damper system model – part#4
This tutorial explains the principles to generating animation for the spring-mass-damper system analyzed in the previous presentations. [sociallocker][/sociallocker] A casual approach to numerical modeling – part #4 – a Spring-Mass-Damper-System – creating the animation by George Lungu – We are trying to generate animation for the system sketched above knowing the deviation from the equilibrium function of time. This deviation is… Read More... "Casual Introduction to Numerical Methods – spring-mass-damper system model – part#4"
Casual Introduction to Numerical Methods – a spring-mass-damper system model – part#3
Here is the third part of a tutorial in both elementary dynamics and numerical methods. It is written at a basic level and it shows you how to set up a dynamic model for numerical solving of simple differential equations. The dynamic model makes use of an infinite loop, which make the calculations advance in time. Instead of a large table… Read More... "Casual Introduction to Numerical Methods – a spring-mass-damper system model – part#3"
Casual Introduction to Numerical Methods – a spring-mass-damper system model – part#2
Here is the second part of a tutorial in both elementary dynamics and numerical methods. It is written at a basic level and it shows you how to solve a system of difference equations in an Excel table. It also starts to explain how to animate the model. [sociallocker][/sociallocker] A casual approach to numerical modeling – the Spring-Mass-Damper System – part 2.… Read More... "Casual Introduction to Numerical Methods – a spring-mass-damper system model – part#2"
Casual Introduction to Numerical Methods – a spring-mass-damper system model – part#1
Here is the first part of a casual tutorial in both elementary dynamics and numerical methods. It is written at a very basic level and it shows you how to solve a system of difference equations with a pencil and a paper and perhaps a pocket calculator to speed things up. A casual approach to numerical modeling – the Spring-Mass-Damper-System –… Read More... "Casual Introduction to Numerical Methods – a spring-mass-damper system model – part#1"
Modeling a Three-Pendulum Harmonograph – tutorial: part #2
Hi guys, here is the second part of a tutorial describing the matematical equations used in modeling a three-pendulum harmonograph (automatic drawing machine). It pertains to the second version of the model. This section describes the kinematic equations involved in the articulated linkage mechanism on the top of the table, the custom spreadsheet functions used in the model and some overall… Read More... "Modeling a Three-Pendulum Harmonograph – tutorial: part #2"
Modeling a Three-Pendulum Harmonograph – tutorial: part #1
Hi guys, here is the first part of a tutorial describing the mathematical equations used in modeling a three-pendulum harmonograph (automatic drawing machine). It pertains to the second version of the model. This section refers only to the kinematic equations for the movement of three pendulums. A second section will be published later and it will describe the kinematic equations involved in… Read More... "Modeling a Three-Pendulum Harmonograph – tutorial: part #1"