I made a stereoscopic model in October last year, however, choosing the wrong colors (red and blue on a black background, the effect was very weak (if any). This series was suggested to me last week by one of the guests here on the website, Don L. (thanks Don!), who sent me his stereoscopic cube. I opened the model, put on… Read More... "Introduction to Anaglyph Stereoscopy in Excel – part #1: a more efficient composite rotation in the 3D Cartesian space"
A Solver for Systems of Linear Equations in Excel
This is a linear system of equations solver in Excel. The size of the system is programmable by the user from 2 to 20 which means, depending on the setting selection, the model can instantly find the solution of linear systems starting from 2 equations and 2 unknowns up to 20 equations and 20 unknowns. It uses the following built-in… Read More... "A Solver for Systems of Linear Equations in Excel"
The Easy Way of Solving Systems of Linear Equations in Excel – using the INVERSE() spreadsheet function
This brief tutorial explains how to calculate the solution vector of a system of linear equations using the Excel spreadsheet function MINVERSE() which calculate the inverse of a matrix. [sociallocker][/sociallocker] Solving linear systems of equations in Excel – the easy way by George Lungu – This is a tutorial showing an easy and convenient method of solving moderate size systems… Read More... "The Easy Way of Solving Systems of Linear Equations in Excel – using the INVERSE() spreadsheet function"
TRANSPOSE() & MMULT() – two important Excel spreadsheet functions for matrix manipulations
This is a tutorial introducing two important matrix manipulation spreadsheet functions in Excel: the matrix transposition function TRANSPOSE() and the matrix multiplication function MMULT(). These functions are a bit harder to use than the regular spreadsheet functions in the sense that the result is a matrix and a matrix cell range is treated by the program as a unity (you cannot change the… Read More... "TRANSPOSE() & MMULT() – two important Excel spreadsheet functions for matrix manipulations"