This is a video preview of the random-walk/brownian-motion animated models. This preview is relevant to three of the previous posts: the drunk man animation model, the random walk animation tutorial and the Brownian motion animation tutorial. [sociallocker][/sociallocker] Read More... "Random Walk and Brownian Motion Diffusion Model – video preview"
A 2D Random Walk Animation Tutorial
This tutorial explains how to build two animated random walk models, one where the particle is confined to square grid and one where the particle is free to step in any direction. The first model is adequate for modeling particle movement in solids while the second is more fit for modeling particle diffusion motion in fluids. [sociallocker][/sociallocker] A 2D Random… Read More... "A 2D Random Walk Animation Tutorial"
A 2D Random Walk Model – the “drunk man” animation
This is a model simulating a two-dimensional random walk in two variants, one by using a digital angle (in 90 degrees increments) and one using an analog angle between zero and 2*pi. This type of model (similar to the walk of a very drunk man) pertains very well to numerically solving Monte Carlo diffusion type problems. It is a brute force model using… Read More... "A 2D Random Walk Model – the “drunk man” animation"