About Excel animation and Excel games – an introduction: Hello everyone, in this section we will be talking about sprites and and how to use the sprites in MS Excel to create animation. This is going to be a general discussion, a demonstrative, introductory talk. It shows you what we can do with sprites in Excel. In general language,… Read More... "Sprite Animation – what are sprites and how to use them in Excel animation and Excel games"
A minigun animation in MS Excel for Excel games
This is a preview of a minigun Excel animation, that I developed in MS Office. This animated model could be used in future Excel games. I created the graphics in PowerPoint while the animation is being run 100% by VBA code. Join our group to find out more: https://www.facebook.com/groups/excelunusual/ Enjoy, George Read More... "A minigun animation in MS Excel for Excel games"
A simple tutorial of using Excel sprite animation on a 2D scatter chart
Here is a basic sprite tutorial by John Doyle at www.excelcalcs.com You can use this method to create Excel game animation or scientific animation in Excel. Enjoy! Read More... "A simple tutorial of using Excel sprite animation on a 2D scatter chart"
How to make a game of PONG in Excel – part #8
This section explains how to add score board logic on the worksheet and how to display the score on the court chart using sprites. [sociallocker][/sociallocker] Excel PONG Tutorial #8 – creating a score display by George Lungu – The previous tutorial showed how to associate sound effects (including crowd applause and laughter) to ball collision events. This section (which is a… Read More... "How to make a game of PONG in Excel – part #8"