This post shows the steps for building a first model of a single pole RC high pass filter (HPF) in Excel based on numerical solution using the finite difference method. It is quite elementary to understand, try to go through the proof regardless of your background. [sociallocker][/sociallocker] Basic Filters – Part 2 (1-Pole High Pass Filter) Numerical Solutions to Differential Equations… Read More... "Introduction to Numerical Methods – Basic Filters #2"
Introduction to Numerical Methods – Basic Filters #1
This post shows the steps for building a first model of a single pole RC low pass filter (LPF) in Excel based on numerical solution using the finite difference method. It is quite easy to understand, try to go through the proof regardless of your background. [sociallocker][/sociallocker] Basic Filters – Part 1 (1-Pole Low Pass Filter) – Numerical Solutions to Differential Equations (Finite Difference… Read More... "Introduction to Numerical Methods – Basic Filters #1"
Drafting an RC Flying Wing in Excel
Hello everyone, I’ve been into flying wings since 2000 when I bought a Zagi online. As piloting style I can compare a flying wing to a snowboard ->> COOL. After abusing it greatly, I ended up mounting a couple of small Russian Norvel glow engines on it and eventually I had to bury it, since it became a pack of crumpled styrofoam. In 2005 I built another wing out of packaging tape… Read More... "Drafting an RC Flying Wing in Excel"