Hi guys, here is a dynamic digital clock model in Excel I made today. The display looks very realistic.
I studied for this all the clocks in the house including the stove, microwave oven and washing machine clocks, plus some pictures on Google.
It will display your local computer time. It uses “sprites” as a method of creating the digits. I learned a lot while making it and I need to prepare a tutorial about this topic.
This would be a great beginner lesson in animation.
Just click the “Start-Pause” button and enjoy.
I receive a Compile Error message: The code in this project must be updated for use on 64-bit systems. Please review and update Declare statements and them mark them with the PtrSafe attribute.
Do you have a 64-bit versions?
Thanks Kari. I found this: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/office/troubleshoot/office-developer/compile-error-editing-vba-macro.
Dear George,
i tried and understood this formula, But can you help me how u create the Digital Clock (7 Segment) in excel by chart
Dear George,
I tried my best to create a digital clock and i followed your toturial but i could not created it. Can you please send me the details how to create it.
Hi Shafiullah, Unfortunately I don’t have the extra time now to write the tutorial again. The tutorial might not be the best but I know people who followed it and made their own clock. Sorry.