This is a video preview of the digital clock series which include a model for Excel 2003 a second model for Excel 2007 or 2010 a tutorial #1 and a tutorial #2.
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infact George you are a GURU in excel ,randy INTRODUCED ME TO YOUR WEBSITE
Thanks, Ray. I am preparing some free downloads and a course soon. Cheers!
Thanks George, u hv brilliant ideas, i m new to xl world but this sites shows me the crativity n logic approach of u.
Great work really…
Fine. Can I download the same.
Hi George. first I have to say thank you, for the quantity and quality of your blog,
sorry for the writing, but surely you’ll notice that isn’t my tongue, any way, what I want to tell you, is that I have a problem with the digital clock, I don’t know how to make to make it run on time, it only happens when I press the button of the macro, could you help me please, and thank you again.
Alejandro, The clock is not supposed to work while you are doing work in the spreadsheet anyway. George
I have been to a lot of excel sites and I must say this is the most interesting. This gets a link on the directory, this is way cool. Mark sent the link. This post is not for this one post here, but for this whole site, very cool.
Thanks a lot Chris! This really helps. I gave up any attempt to advertise. Right now I have some urgent business but once this is over I will post more often and try to bring up the site with diversified content.