Five different shape alterations are presented: 1. Resizing – which can be done independently on each axis by multiplying the coordinates by a certain factor while the shape is centered in the origin. 2. Translation – which can be done independently on each axis by adding or subtracting a term to each coordinate. 3. Simple rotation – formulas were derived… Read More... "Resizing, Translating and Rotating Shapes in Excel"
Static VBA Macros
Most parameters used in animations or physical models are changed by buttons called “spin buttons”. Excel is a spreadsheet but behind the table there is a engine used to automate certain spreadsheet functions. This engine can be programmed in a language with a very easy syntax called Visual Basic for Applications, in short VBA. VBA is a very convenient feature… Read More... "Static VBA Macros"
Drafting an RC Flying Wing in Excel
Hello everyone, I’ve been into flying wings since 2000 when I bought a Zagi online. As piloting style I can compare a flying wing to a snowboard ->> COOL. After abusing it greatly, I ended up mounting a couple of small Russian Norvel glow engines on it and eventually I had to bury it, since it became a pack of crumpled styrofoam. In 2005 I built another wing out of packaging tape… Read More... "Drafting an RC Flying Wing in Excel"