This is an application to the previously derived 2D diffusion (heat transfer) model. The snow melting process is very similar to diffusion or heat transfer. Just open the model and hit “Start-Pause” to see for yourself. It is a 2003 model or earlier. I wasn’t able to run it in 2007 with animation but I’ve got some friends who managed to run… Read More... "The Melting Snow Castle – a diffusion model application"
This section is dedicated to modeling the 3D perspective effect in Excel 2003 standard.
Building a Dynamic Two Dimensional Heat Transfer Model – part #2
This is the second half of the tutorial which shows how to build a basic animated 2D heat transfer model in Excel. [sociallocker][/sociallocker] Building a Dynamic Two Dimensional Heat Transfer Model – part #2 by George Lungu – This is the second half of a tutorial which shows how to build a basic dynamic heat conduction model of a square… Read More... "Building a Dynamic Two Dimensional Heat Transfer Model – part #2"
Building a Dynamic Two Dimensional Heat Transfer Model – part #1
Here is the first part of a tutorial which shows how to build a two dimensional heat transfer model in Excel. The presentation shows how to partition a square plate in elementary elements on which the simplest form of the heat storage and heat transfer equations can be applied. The numerical form of the final temperature formula is derived . Building… Read More... "Building a Dynamic Two Dimensional Heat Transfer Model – part #1"
A Basic 2D Animated Heat Transfer Model (a diffusion model too)
Here is a basic 2D heat transfer model. The first five worksheets model square plates of 30 x 30 elements. The last worksheet is the model of a 50 x 50 plate. You can modify the initial temperature by hand within the range C21:AF240. It is also a diffusion model. It uses the storage and transport equations derived in the previous tutorials.… Read More... "A Basic 2D Animated Heat Transfer Model (a diffusion model too)"
Animated Heat Transfer Modeling for the Average Joe – part #4
This is the last tutorial of the series and it shows how to implement the previously derived formulas into a spreadsheet model. The spreadsheet formulas, the macros and charting of the dynamic data is explained. [sociallocker][/sociallocker] Animated heat transfer modeling for the average Joe – part #4 by George Lungu – This is the last section of the beginner series… Read More... "Animated Heat Transfer Modeling for the Average Joe – part #4"
Animated Heat Transfer Modeling for the Average Joe – part #3
This section shows how to model heat transfer in a linear bar by dividing it in elementary sections in which the basic linear equations introduced in the previous tutorials can be used. Animated heat transfer modeling for the average Joe – part #3 by George Lungu – This is a new section of the beginner series of tutorials in heat… Read More... "Animated Heat Transfer Modeling for the Average Joe – part #3"
Animated Heat Transfer Modeling for the Average Joe – part #2
This is a continuation of the first part of the beginner series of tutorials in heat transfer modeling. The first part introduced the reader to the concept of heat capacity (being analogous to the electrical capacity). This section continues with the concept of heat conductance which is analogous to the electrical conductance. Ohm’s law applies. Toward the end, the principle… Read More... "Animated Heat Transfer Modeling for the Average Joe – part #2"
Animated Heat Transfer Modeling for the Average Joe – part #1
This the first tutorial on modeling heat transfer at a very introductory level. If you follow this series and spend your own effort in developing your own models you will be able to model heat transfer in very complex shapes (1D, 2D, 3D) in a short time and with the basic understanding of a 12 year old school boy. Animated heat transfer modeling… Read More... "Animated Heat Transfer Modeling for the Average Joe – part #1"
A One-Dimensional Dynamic Heat Transfer Model – a diffusion model
Hi guys, Here is a 1D dynamic model I built today simulating heat transfer in a 21-segment bar. Just click on the orange “Demo” button for a quick demo. Hitting “Reset” sets the 21 segments of the bar to the initial conditions which is a fully customizable initial temperature map. Clicking “Start/Pause” starts the simulation and you can watch the bar temperature profile… Read More... "A One-Dimensional Dynamic Heat Transfer Model – a diffusion model"
How to make a game of PONG in Excel – part #10 – final
The previous section explained the VBA upgrades needed to make the score functional and new-game and end-game sound effects were added. This tutorial shows how fix some previous bugs and create a “demo play” option which means that both bats are automatically run by worksheet logic. This is the final part of the of the Pong tutorial series. [sociallocker][/sociallocker] Excel PONG Tutorial #10 – adding… Read More... "How to make a game of PONG in Excel – part #10 – final"
How to make a game of PONG in Excel – part #9
The previous section explained how to add a game score in the upper part of the pong court. This section (which is a continuation of part#8) will explain the VBA upgrades needed to make the score functional. We will add here new-game and end-game sound effects too. Next tutorial will explain how to create a “demo play” option which means that both bats… Read More... "How to make a game of PONG in Excel – part #9"
How to make a game of PONG in Excel – part #8
This section explains how to add score board logic on the worksheet and how to display the score on the court chart using sprites. [sociallocker][/sociallocker] Excel PONG Tutorial #8 – creating a score display by George Lungu – The previous tutorial showed how to associate sound effects (including crowd applause and laughter) to ball collision events. This section (which is a… Read More... "How to make a game of PONG in Excel – part #8"
How to make a game of PONG in Excel – part #7
This section of the tutorial explains how to add sounds to the Pong game created previously. There are four types of sound effects: collision with the walls, collision with the bats, missed ball by the player (crowd laughter) and missed ball by the virtual opponent (crowd applause). [sociallocker][/sociallocker] Excel PONG Tutorial #7 – associating sound effects to ball collision events by George Lungu… Read More... "How to make a game of PONG in Excel – part #7"
How to make a game of PONG in Excel – part #6
In the previous section a special ball return formula was implemented. Bat #1 was assigned the y-coordinate of the ball and in this way a very simple opponent algorithm was implemented. The problem with this algorithm is that by having Bat #1 perfectly tracking the ball, the opponent was unbeatable. This section shows how to add adjustable skill levels to… Read More... "How to make a game of PONG in Excel – part #6"