This is a brief tutorial showing how to calculate the determinant of a matrix and the inverse of a matrix using two special spreadsheet functions MDETERM() and MINVERSE(). [sociallocker][/sociallocker] MDETERM() & MINVERSE() – two important Excel spreadsheet functions for matrix manipulations by George Lungu – Using Excel built-in matrix operation functions might improve calculation efficiency but it definitely makes model… Read More... "MDETERM() & MINVERSE() – two important Excel spreadsheet functions for matrix manipulations"
Flight Simulator Tutorial #2 – basic airplane positioning, control surfaces and turn dynamics
This is the second part of a tutorial explaining the creation of an “in-cockpit” flight simulator (versus the remote control simulator) model in Excel 2003. This section introduces some basic piloting background and nomenclature. A Basic Flight Simulator in Excel #2 – airplane positioning, control surfaces and turn dynamics by George Lungu – This tutorial explains the basics of airplane… Read More... "Flight Simulator Tutorial #2 – basic airplane positioning, control surfaces and turn dynamics"
TRANSPOSE() & MMULT() – two important Excel spreadsheet functions for matrix manipulations
This is a tutorial introducing two important matrix manipulation spreadsheet functions in Excel: the matrix transposition function TRANSPOSE() and the matrix multiplication function MMULT(). These functions are a bit harder to use than the regular spreadsheet functions in the sense that the result is a matrix and a matrix cell range is treated by the program as a unity (you cannot change the… Read More... "TRANSPOSE() & MMULT() – two important Excel spreadsheet functions for matrix manipulations"
Flight Simulator Tutorial #1 – the joystick and a ground mesh
This is the first section of a tutorial explaining how to build a 3D flight simulator in Excel. This part deals with creating a joystick and a triangular ground mesh. The joystick model was explained in a previous post from January 2011 and the ground mesh was already used in the 3D roller-coaster. [sociallocker][/sociallocker] A Basic Flight Simulator in Excel #1 – using… Read More... "Flight Simulator Tutorial #1 – the joystick and a ground mesh"
Spectral Analysis – a Fourier transform tutorial – part #5
This part of the tutorial demonstrates the Fourier transform operation in a few cases of periodic and non-periodic signals, such as an AM signal, an FM signal, a rectangular non repetitive signal and a cardinal sine signal. The last slide contains an application to the scaling property of the Fourier transform on a non-repetitive time signal. It actually shows that… Read More... "Spectral Analysis – a Fourier transform tutorial – part #5"
Spectral Analysis – a Fourier transform tutorial – part #4
The previous sections explains the creation of a discrete Fourier transform model in Excel. This section and the following one will use the model to calculate and chart the Fourier transform in several cases of periodic and non-periodic signals. [sociallocker][/sociallocker] A Fourier Transform Model in Excel, part #4 by George Lungu – This is a tutorial about the implementation of… Read More... "Spectral Analysis – a Fourier transform tutorial – part #4"
Spectral Analysis – a Fourier transform tutorial – part #3
The previous sections of the tutorial handled the basic formulas behind building a Fourier model and creating a set of input functions. This section deals with formula implementation on the spreadsheet, the brief VBA code and the charting of the Fourier transform components. [sociallocker][/sociallocker] A Fourier Transform Model in Excel #3 by George Lungu – This is a tutorial about… Read More... "Spectral Analysis – a Fourier transform tutorial – part #3"
Spectral Analysis – a Fourier transform tutorial – part #2
In this tutorial the Excel implementation of a Fourier transform is discussed. Seven input signals are created among which sinusoidal, rectangular and combinations of them. A Dirac impulse, an amplitude modulated (AM) signal and a frequency modulated (FM) signal are also added among the input signal options. [sociallocker][/sociallocker] A Fourier Transform Model in Excel #2 by George Lungu – This is… Read More... "Spectral Analysis – a Fourier transform tutorial – part #2"
Spectral Analysis – a Fourier transform tutorial – part #1
This is a basic tutorial about implementation of a standard Fourier transform model in Excel. It is not an introduction to Fourier analysis. You could choose to familiarize yourself with the subject before proceeding with this tutorial. Solving a few Fourier transform excersises would be of help too. Essentially, this part shows you how to adapt the general Fourier formula for a continuous real… Read More... "Spectral Analysis – a Fourier transform tutorial – part #1"
Brownian Motion Animation – a 2D random walk diffusion tutorial
This is a tutorial about the creation of an animated diffusion model based on the random walk principle. There are two different models, one based on a lattice style diffusion (the particles can move in a series of steps of a fixed distance, but only in multiples of a 90 degree angles: 0, 90, 180, 270) and another one based… Read More... "Brownian Motion Animation – a 2D random walk diffusion tutorial"
A 2D Random Walk Animation Tutorial
This tutorial explains how to build two animated random walk models, one where the particle is confined to square grid and one where the particle is free to step in any direction. The first model is adequate for modeling particle movement in solids while the second is more fit for modeling particle diffusion motion in fluids. [sociallocker][/sociallocker] A 2D Random… Read More... "A 2D Random Walk Animation Tutorial"
A 2D Random Walk Model – the “drunk man” animation
This is a model simulating a two-dimensional random walk in two variants, one by using a digital angle (in 90 degrees increments) and one using an analog angle between zero and 2*pi. This type of model (similar to the walk of a very drunk man) pertains very well to numerically solving Monte Carlo diffusion type problems. It is a brute force model using… Read More... "A 2D Random Walk Model – the “drunk man” animation"
The Melting Snow Castle – a diffusion model application
This is an application to the previously derived 2D diffusion (heat transfer) model. The snow melting process is very similar to diffusion or heat transfer. Just open the model and hit “Start-Pause” to see for yourself. It is a 2003 model or earlier. I wasn’t able to run it in 2007 with animation but I’ve got some friends who managed to run… Read More... "The Melting Snow Castle – a diffusion model application"
Building a Dynamic Two Dimensional Heat Transfer Model – part #2
This is the second half of the tutorial which shows how to build a basic animated 2D heat transfer model in Excel. [sociallocker][/sociallocker] Building a Dynamic Two Dimensional Heat Transfer Model – part #2 by George Lungu – This is the second half of a tutorial which shows how to build a basic dynamic heat conduction model of a square… Read More... "Building a Dynamic Two Dimensional Heat Transfer Model – part #2"